All valuai Founders - Partners - Consultants are alumni of:

Value creation delivered. Strategy + Operations + Technology.

[Pay-for-Performance or fixed-fees]

[Data and financial driven outcomes]

silver round ornament on white and gray stripe textilesilver round ornament on white and gray stripe textile

[Best practice processes and technology applied]

Who are we? We are a Strategy + Operations + Technology Consulting and Advisory firm, highly leveraging AI, technology, digital and advanced analytics, to deliver end-to-end value creation and technology projects

What is our business model? We manage a progressive AI-enabled, lean, low-cost business model, responsible for both delivery risk and performance, where we share in the results with our clients (see Business Model page)

[AI enabled delivery engines]

What is our mission? Our mission is to deliver Value Creation Strategy and Realization for family offices, private equity, sovereign wealth funds, consultancies, commercial and public entities, and the defense sector globally

[Self-funding Strategy + Technology projects]

Figure 1.0: Value Creation Diagnostic by valuai - estimated ~10-12 minutes completion time (click below)



Self-funding value creation projects: diagnostics I strategy I operations I technology projects

No upfront fees we only share in success if financial and operational targets are met

Zero delivery risk for the client - please see the Business Model page - for more details

Harvard Business Review: The Strategic Secret of Private Equity. "The fundamental reason behind private equity’s growth and high rates of return is something that has received little attention, perhaps because it’s so obvious: the firms’ standard practice of buying businesses and then, after steering them through a transition of rapid performance improvement, selling them."

Note: Technology development, subscriptions, and/or licensing fees, and related costs to be paid during the development and commissioning phases; All required travel & lodging to be paid during project delivery

... to maximize value creation and shareholder wealth

Step 2. Understand the client’s current vision, including strategic and financial objectives, and benchmark

Step 3. Complete a Rapid Value Creation Diagnostic evaluating the client’s value chain, operating model, and select business functions, to determine the drivers of revenue, fixed and variable costs, free cash flow, and profit margin, other, then set targets

Step 4. Construct and execute a tailored Value Creation Program to meet near and longer-term Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)

Our value creation algorithm, and the power of data, drives everything we do ...

Step 1. Create a Value Creation Algorithm and Model with client data to build a financial and activity baseline

Value Creation Strategy Steps


Value Creation Strategy Steps

black Bell helicopterblack Bell helicopter

We acknowledge the uniqueness of each company and its management team, and its current lifecycle stage, each with its distinct vision, goals, and priorities, driving its individual journey.

Our Team has worked extensively with start-ups, SMEs, and Fortune 500s developing and leading programs addressing the needs of today and requirements of the future.

We can help clients across their corporate lifecycle

Step 1. Request select operational and financial data for the Advanced Value Creation Diagnostic, assess an organization by function, capabilities, and operating model, against their value chain. Please click below for the free Rapid Value Creation Diagnostic (approximately 10-12 minutes to complete)

Step 2. Based on the data-driven assessment, a Tailored Value Creation Program will be developed to address the challenges, opportunities, and target objectives

The journey begins with our free Rapid Value Creation Diagnostic identifying challenges, opportunities, and priorities for the business

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