Articles and Viewpoints

New articles are published weekly focused on a wide range of current relevant topics with a focus on Value Creation. New articles are shared with our client base through email and social media, and in digital magazines and journals. Please register at the bottom of this page if interested.

Figure 1.0: Value Creation Diagnostic by valuai - estimated ~10-12 minutes completion time (click below)

2.0 Next-Gen Just-In-Time (JIT) Supply Chains: Time to Re-Imagine

This article explores Toyota's pioneering journey in the Just-In-Time (JIT) supply chain, emphasizing waste reduction and robust collaborations with suppliers. It discusses the integration of digital technologies, such as AI and IoT, to enhance JIT efficiency. A concise six-step approach for Next-Gen JIT activation, including robotics and automation, is presented.

The article underscores the adaptability of a well-optimized JIT network, empowering companies to navigate disruptions globally. It concludes by positioning JIT as an evolving strategy, marking the era of JIT 2.0—a promising phase of unprecedented efficiency and resilience.

McKinsey & Co.: The secrets of outperforming family-owned businesses: How they create value - and how you can become one

Family-owned businesses that combine four critical mindsets with five strategic actions have a chance to quadruple their value in the next decade — while maintaining resilience

They demonstrate four mindsets that are common to all FOBs but that take on outsize importance within the high performers, allowing them to gain and sustain a competitive advantage. The critical mindsets are a focus on purpose beyond profits, a long-term view and emphasis on reinvesting in the business, a conservative and cautious stance on finances, and processes that allow for efficient decision making.

Harvard Business Review: Digital Transformation Changes How Companies Create Value .

"Digital transformation is about changing where value is created, and how your business model is structured. More and more, value creation comes from outside the firm not inside, and from external partners rather than internal employees."